Terms & Conditions
The fees are to be paid before the lessons. The student will then be provided with details to access the virtual classrooms.In the case of group classes, the student will be asked to pay for the entire level. In case of private lessons, a minimum of 10 hours of classes will have to be paid in advance.
The payment will be conducted through the available page on the Midad centre website, using the provided method(s) of payment.In the case that the student cannot use any of the available payment methods, or would like to use alternative methods, any consequential fees of this method will have to be paid by the student after the approval of the Midad centre’s administrative team.
The fees paid to Midad centre cannot be reimbursed. In the case of a student’s unforeseen need to end his studies for which he paid for, he can be replaced with another student who will take his place and study his classes.
This is only in the case that the replacement has the same level as the one who he replaced. (This will be verified by appropriate tests)In the unlikely case that Midad centre cannot hold the students’ classes; a full reimbursement of the unused sessions will be given.
Lesson planning:
This is set by a common accord between the student and Midad centre at the start of each period.
This is done after the student commits him/herself to follow the agreed plan.In the case of group lesson, this plan cannot be changed, unlike the case of private lessons where the student can request a change in plan if deemed necessary. Any changes require a 15 days’ notice before the lesson from which the change will occur, and the teachers’ approval based on his/her availability.
The student cannot choose his/her teacher unless stipulated before payment, and the approval of the Midad centre.
Tardiness and absences:
In case of tardiness (lateness) the missed time cannot be regained.
It is lost however the lessons remain accessible for the remainder of the agreed period.In case of absence from a group class, the lesson will be lost and cannot be regained by that student, as the class will have been taught regardless.
Any scheduled absence is to be notified regardless.
For those in studying in private classes: The class can be rescheduled assuming 2 hours’ notice was given before the lesson via the student portal and the following condition is met: the lesson cannot be rescheduled any later than 15% of the total teaching period.Example (if a student paid for lessons for a total period of 7 weeks, the lesson cannot be rescheduled any later than a week later)
Adab (Etiquettes):
All students are to follow the appropriate Islamic etiquettes fit for a Talib ‘Ilm (student of Islamic sciences) regardless of their classes or programmes.This hold true for both children and adults alike, but careful consideration and attention will be given to the former. With regards to children studying at the Midad centre, although they are allowed to attend the lessons unsupervised, any lack of Adab could lead to reporting to parents.
Parent any even be asked to attend the classes until appropriate behaviour is seen in the student. In the case of the parents’ absence after being requested to attend, the teacher has the right to deny the student access to the class and will be considered absent.In case of misbehaviour, the administration holds the right to deny the student access to that particular class, for a number of classes over a period of time or indefinitely depending on the severity of the situation.
Indefinite denial will be reserved for severe cases as for a student insulting a teacher. (All cases will be verified as all lessons are recorded) Denial over a period of time will be reserved for mild misbehaviour such as insulting another student.
Denial of single classes will be reserved for minor misbehaviour such as a student raising his voice to the teacher, or behaviour preventing the class to continue.
The student must have fully functioning audio-visual equipment. A microphone is absolutely necessary, while a camera is up to the students’ discretion. However teachers hold the right to ask the student to turn on their camera, a refusal of which may result in a refusal of access to class.
The student portal is an official method of communication between the Midad centre and the students (and parents). The student (or parent for students aged 15 or under) must review their files on the portal at least once a week. These will contain reports made by the teacher regarding him/her, detailing their studies, progress etc… but also their tardiness or absences, disciplinary issues and exams.In case of urgent need to contact Midad centre please use the whatsapp number provided.
Passing grades: At the end of each programme/level, a passing grade will be achieved based on two condition:
1- The student must have attended at least 75% of their lessons for this programme.
2- The student must have achieved at least 70% in their end of programme exams.If any of these conditions are not met a passing grade will not be given and no reimbursement is available.
Holiday Period: The Midad centre holds 2 periods of annual leave:
– The last 10 days of Ramadhan + Day of Eid + Following 2 days = 13 days.
– Day of ‘Arafah + 4 days of Eid = 5 days.These days are considered as holidays, with no classes held. In the case of private classes, if the teacher and student come to agreement, classes may be held on these days.In the case of group classes, the lesson may only be held on these days if the entire class and teacher agree to do so. Otherwise all classes are not held on these days.
With regards to Salah (prayers) during class hours:Midad centre take prayer times and personal circumstances very seriously and aims to respect each individual circumstance. It is especially crucial that obligatory prayers are prayed on time for everyone.
The rules regarding prayers during classes are as follows:
– The teacher holds the right to take a period of up to 15mins for prayers during the classes. The time of lesson “lost” will be added onto the end of the class (eg. A class that was to end at 3:30 will end at 3:45 if the teacher were to take 15mins for prayers)– In the case of private lessons the student and teacher may agree upon a time to pray at the same time if their prayer times match.
– Students in private lessons may take longer than 15mins for prayers (after informing the teacher of this fact) in case they are to pray at the mosque. However it is important to note that only prayer time used by the teacher may be added to the end of the class, thus any other/extra time spent by the student will be lost.
– In the case of group classes, the student and teacher must agree on prayer times and breaks before the start of the programme as to least impact and interrupt classes (for example all pray at the same time). Students and teacher in this case may take up to 15mins to pray. In the case of the teacher and/or students not praying, the teacher will continue classes but must not make progress on the lesson until the return of the entire class within the allotted period.
If a student in a group class decides to pray at the mosque, he/she is still to return within 15 mins. Otherwise the class will continue without him/her as to not penalise the rest of the class.
Note: The application of these rules is subject to the agreement between the teacher and students. In case of an impasse the administration will judge the best course of action inshaAllah.