Fairuz Azhar – London, United Kingdom
The teacher that I had was honestly the best teacher I have ever come across. I am not saying this lightly, but I’ve had many teachers for Arabic Language and this particular Ustadha not only mastered the Arabic language but also had a great skill in teaching it. The way she taught me allowed me to flourish as I was using all aspects of language learning such as speaking, listening, reading and writing under her supervision. She helped me to bring out and master the skills which I didn’t know I had. She pushed me to go further but was also patient at times when I needed extra help. I felt comfortable learning and everyday I felt like I was gaining so much. Grammar was very structured into the course but alongside the reading material and course activities, I felt like I was putting it into practice – this is important as I feel grammar can be overwhelming at times but I didn’t feel like this even after completing the course. I started Arabic with zero experience, an absolute beginner. I recently finished the course and I can say it is 100% worth it.
Hannah, United Kingdom
I really enjoy the classes I have with you ustada Aisha, you have helped me to learn the tajweed rules in an easy and clear way and you are patient with me with my reading which is very helpful. I would recommend you as a teacher to others.
Omar, United Kingdom
Alhamdulillah, I have found Midad institute to be a very professional and well run organisation. The teachers are highly qualified and have a passion for teaching. In my case I have benefited greatly from my Arabic language teacher both in terms of learning the language but also increasing my understanding of Quran and Hadith in general.
When learning the Arabic language through Midad institute you will generally learn through the world recognised series of books “Arabic between your hands”. These books will underpin the fundamentals of the language for you, in terms of reading, writing and grammar. In addition to this your teacher will explain concepts in an illustrative manner separate to the book which will help with understanding.
I would highly recommend Midad institute for you to learn the language of Quran and Jannah. JazakAllah Khair.
Aisha, United Kingdom
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
I am a student of ‘Al Midad Institute’ since one year now, Elhamdulillahi.
I joined the Seerah class on Saturdays with out great teacher Sahar who permanently encourages me and a bunch of other students to focus on our goal in learning the Arabic language, which is the language of the Qur’an (Allah’s word).
In each lesson, we learn a good portion of new Arabic words and synonyms, by reading the Seerah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم in Arabic.
Our well trained teacher explains to us every single new word, within the context of the book and also provides us with different meanings of new vocabulary that we read!
Our teacher is not only a very good teacher but also a mentor who always makes sure everybody in class keeps focusing during class and even in terms of continuity in learning and progress.
I really appreciate the work of ‘Al Midad Institute’
بارك الله فيكم
Student from Burton, England
السلام عليكم
أنا من بيرتون، إنجلترا، قبل بضعة أشهر، بدأت أنأى أخي أخذ دروس اللغة العربية و أجدها مفيدة جدا. الكتاب الذي نتعلمه سهل الفهم و يأخذنا مدرسنا من خلال خطوات التعلم بشكل جيد للغاية، لقد رأيت نفسي أتحدث كثيرا باللغة العربية و آمل أن أتقنها قريبا. في الكتاب تعلمنا الأطعمة و المشروبات و الأفعال و حتى القصائد
Peace be upon you,
I am from Burton, England
A few months ago, me and my brother had started taking Arabic lessons and I find them very beneficial. The book we learn from is easy to understand and our teacher takes us through the steps of learning very well, I have seen myself improve a lot in Arabic and I hope to soon become fluent in it. In the book we have learnt foods , drinks, verbs and even poems.
Maïmouna, United Kingdom
In my opinion the lessons are great and I’m really happy to be part of it and I truly recommend it for anyone who want to learn Quran in the best ways.
Abu Khadeejah – Burton on Trent.
Midad Institute has helped me considerably on my journey to learn and study the Arabic language.
In the past 12 months I have excelled beyond my expectations. I am able to read and translate basic texts. I have also reached a level now where the majority of my class is in Arabic.
Ustadh Essam, has been the ideal teacher and mentor. He sets a really good environment for study. He makes you feel comfortable even when you make mistakes and he is flexible with arranging the classes. I have recommended Ustadh Essam to friends and family and they too have spoken highly of him and Midaad Institute.
I look forward to continuing my journey with Midaad Institute.
Student from Russia who so far has completed two levels of Midad’s Arabic program.
كما السلام عليكم ، كيف حالك؟ هل يمكنك تخيل ذلك ؟ لقد قرأت القرآن دون ترجمة وفهمت بالفعل المعنى ، وكل الكلمات دون أن أعرف ، ويمكنني بالفعل أن أفهم ما يقال في آية. ما زلت أستمع إلى بداية الصوت باللغة العربية وبعد بضعة تجارب أداء ، أبدأ في فهم ما هو هادث موضع التساؤل ، على الرغم من أنني لا أفهم كل الكلمات. لم يتم تمرير الكثير من الدروس ، ولكن النتائج هناك بالفعل ، الحمدولة. إنه شعور جميل عندما أستطيع أن أفهم قليلا “الحمدولة” عسى الله أن يكافئك-أيها الرسول-بأعلى درجات الجنة ، إني سعيد لأنك وليي ، الحمدلي. أحبك لأجل الله
Can you imagine that, I read the Quran without a translation and I really understood the meaning! I can really understand what the ayah is saying, I listen carefully and after a bit of trying I reach the meaning. I have begun to understand the general meaning of what I read even though I don’t know every word in the sentence. Although I haven’t been studying a long time, I can already see the results, Alhamdulillah. Really the feeling is so beautiful when I can understand Arabic, even if is just a little Alhamdulillah. I ask Allah to reward you the highest place in jennah, I’m really so happy that you are my teacher Alhamdulillah, I love you for the sake of Allah
Student, India
I would recommend the Midad Institute for anyone who is looking to study Arabic with a private teacher. I currently study two books with Ustadha Sahar – صور من حياة الصحابة and تطبيق النحوي and have benefitted greatly from her. May Allāh bless her and the team. Amin!